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Simply Wholesome has a 7 day return policy or exhange. All online products must be completely unopened and unused upon return. If there are signs of tears or obstruction, we cannot provide refunds. Please email: [email protected] to process your return, and we will provide you with a return shipping label. Print the provided label and attach it to returned item. The original shipping costs are non-refundable. All return shipping cost with be responsible by the sender. Simply Wholesome will not provide shipping cost for any return orders. Return shipping: If you have either ordered the wrong product or have received an item that for any reason you are unhappy with, you are responsible for all return shipping charges. If a mistake was made with your order or items purchased are missing, please let us know promptly and we will fix the problem. Once a returned item has been received and checked by Simply Wholesome, a confirmation email will be sent to confirm arrival. At this point, if the customer has chosen to receive purchase value credit rather than an exchange; payment will be refunded accordingly. ---Other Return Notes--- Partial returns on orders that receive the 'free shipping' discount will be credited at line item price. If the entire order is returned, all that can be refunded or credited is the subtotal amount of the order and the shipping charges will not be refunded. If it is noted in the item description that the item is final sale then no returns can be made on these items. In Store Exchange There is no In Store Exchanges for Products. Products that are priced online can not be refunded in any Simply Wholesome location. All online exchanges are ineligible for cash refunds. All exchanges must be of equal value. All online transactions must be accompanied with an invoice.